
Aapo Stenhammar

Aapo Stenhammar

Assistant Professor  ·  University of Bonn  ·  aapo.stenhammar [at]

I am an assistant professor at the Institute for Applied Microeconomics, Department of Economics, at the University of Bonn.

I am also a research fellow at the at Labour Institute for Economic Research LABORE in Helsinki, Finland.

I received my PhD in Economics at the Aalto University and Helsinki GSE. During my PhD I also visited UC Berkeley and the IIES at the Stockholm University.

My research focuses on the interaction of labor markets, public policy, and political responses. In my work, I also use machine learning methods to digitize archived documents and to use text and images in econometric analysis.

You can download my cv here.

Fields: Labor Economics, Economic History, Political Economy


Working Papers

Tensions of Structural Change: Evidence from Finland's Field Reservation Policy

Abstract (click to expand)

New Evidence on the Effect of Technology on Employment and Skill Demand

with Joonas Tuhkuri (Stockholm U) and Johannes Hirvonen (Northwestern).
Reject and Resubmit from the Quarterly Journal of Economics.
Abstract (click to expand)

Work in Progress

Opening Borders: Self-Selection and Economic Outcomes of Migration During the EU Enlargement

Publications in Finnish

Yksilöllistettyä opetusta ennustavat tekijät ja suhteellisen iän vaikutus erityisopetuksessa (paper)

with Markku Jahnukainen and Mika Kortelainen


Topics in Text Data